While our season for these has concluded we’ll still happily make these delicious chocolates on special request. Unlocking Molasses in Chocolate We have been trying to figure out a good…
Adding hot peppers to chocolate is a very binary experience. Meaning you either love it, or hate it. We have a large following locally who desire our ancho pepper chocolate…
“The Confessions of The Secret Chocolatiers Wife”Part II– The Ciordia’s The Secret Chocolatier family has spent an extra amount of time together recently reflecting on where we are and where…
In a world where the artisan chocolates and the industrial collide finding that perfect chocolate truffle seems more elusive than ever. Even if you’re going to craft you’re own chocolate truffle recipe it’s a good idea to search down the quality so you and others can enjoy them that much more.
Social Media & Charlotte, NC Charlotte has one of the fastest growing social networks in the US. I’m not sure if it’s because the area is so affluent with b2b…